Assisted Living

Assisted Living

Assisted Living

At some point in their later years, most older adults will need some type of senior care. Health challenges such as reduced mobility, complicated medication schedules, and reduced vision can make it unsafe for the adult to continue to live independently. While many people immediately think of nursing homes when they think of residential care for seniors, assisted living can be a better option for seniors who need some assistance in their day-to-day lives but do not need regular medical care.

Assisted living is a long-term residential care option designed for older adults who need some help with activities of daily living and support in their other daily tasks, such as laundry and transportation. Assisted living facilities (ALFs) offer residents assistance with their daily activities and the security of around-the-clock staff. At the same time, residents can remain as independent as they please. This makes assisted living a good fit for many seniors who are beginning to have health challenges.

There are thousands of assisted living facilities in the United States that are home to over 800,000 residents, making it challenging to choose a community. This guide will help you better understand assisted living and determine if it’s the right senior care choice for yourself or a loved one. We also cover the cost of assisted living, how to choose a community, and more.

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